KARA Podcasts: Powerful Conversations About Interrupting and Ending Child Abuse
KARA Podcasts: Powerful Conversations About Interrupting and Ending Child Abuse
DetailsKARA Podcasts: Powerful Conversations About Interrupting and Ending Child Abuse
DetailsFor emergency room doctors, they are a sad and familiar sight: Children returning again and again in the grip of mental health crises
DetailsAll About ACEs (adverse childhood experience) Trauma, Testing, & Resilience
Details2025 – A Happier New Year For At Risk Children
DetailsIn 2003, MN Federal Reserve Board Director Art Rolnick & Economist Rob Grunewald completed a study demonstrating that early childhood programs returned the best financial investment a government could make to build healthy children and productive citizens
DetailsDear Reader, As the year comes to a close, we want to thank you for following our Saturday INVISIBLE CHILDREN updates. Your readership is helping KARA spread awareness of child abuse and trauma, and the work that needs to be done to save and heal at-risk children. KARA relies on the generosity of our…
DetailsFixing CPS with greater transparency in Child Protective Services. This conversation is about the many things impacting the safety and wellbeing of abused and neglected children. The lack of transparency being discussed in West Virginia CPS applies to every state: A Meaningful Conversation (35 Minute Podcast). Discussed in this podcast: Kinship care partners, mentors, volunteers,…
Detailsa unique perspective of what happened to Minnesota’s CASA Guardian ad Litem program over the last 4 years.
DetailsThis is the longest and most powerful and articulate suicide note I’ve ever read and it has great meaning to me for its power to relate these two incomprehensible sorrows (abuse & suicide).
Detailsshining a light on child advocacy,