The Consequences of Media Concentrating On Negative Child Protection & Adoption

Some of us, preferably some of us educated in the study of the issues; social workers, health and mental health providers, and others close and sympathetic to abused and neglected children, needs to give these children a voice in their own lives other than a Media that has to sell itself with “if it bleeds it leads”.


Drugs Without Therapy Is Ineffective & Can Be Dangerous

Almost nothing is known about the rivers of psychotropic medications that are poured into the millions five, seven, and nine year old children that pass through child protection systems in America without sufficient mental health services.

Judge Heidi Schellhas shared with me the quantity of Prozac, *Ritalin, and other mind altering psychotropic medications poured into the very young children that passed through her court room each year. The amounts were staggering.


The Impact of Trauma and Neglect on the Developing Child: Focus on Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. ChildTrauma Academy When: Thursday, June 17th Registration: 8:30 a.m. Training: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mystic Mystice Lake Casino, Shakopee MN Cost: $40 Standard, $30 JJC Community Member, $30 Student Rate Scholarships available Targeted Audience: Policy makers, professionals and practitioners in education, the court system, law enforcement, corrections, human services,…
