Tip of Children’s Mental Health Iceberg
For emergency room doctors, they are a sad and familiar sight: Children returning again and again in the grip of mental health crises
DetailsFor emergency room doctors, they are a sad and familiar sight: Children returning again and again in the grip of mental health crises
DetailsAll About ACEs (adverse childhood experience) Trauma, Testing, & Resilience
DetailsIf the medical community, Children’s Defense Fund and former MN Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz are right, the vast majority of crime in America is the result of what happened to that person as a child.
DetailsThe Beatings Will Continue
Yanelin Montalvo-Valdez (yesterday Star Tribune) personifies the pain and punishment heaped upon the 50 innocent children I advocated for as a CASA Guardian ad Litem volunteer
DetailsAmerica’s Children In 100 Charts
Child abuse is invisible. It is a core problem in every American community impacting all of us, our institutions, and every aspect of our quality of life every day.
Repeated childhood trauma does cruel things to children. Things that never go away. Those things (behaviors/thoughts/self-harm/suicide) can be managed with help. Without help, depression, pain and sadness often become overwhelming.
DetailsThis fall and winter, KARA is inviting universities, community centers, and businesses to engage our INVISIBLE CHILDREN COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS.
DetailsKids At Risk Action presented a workshop at the fourth annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations in New York
DetailsChild Protection/CPS: If Lawmakers Only Knew (why they don’t – & why they should) Not many lawmakers come to the job understanding child abuse and what happens to children in CPS (Child Protective Services). Few legislators have experienced childhood trauma or the institution (CPS) that protects children from growing up in homes of life-threatening harm.