KARA’s next book, AMERICA’S CHILDREN IN 100 CHARTS is currently underway. It explores the impact of trauma on children and the impact of traumatized children on communities.

It’s about child abuse and trauma and what trauma does to children and how traumatized children impact our schools, public health and safety. This is a guide to identifying and dealing with the most critical issues and causes of child abuse, and its solutions.

Child abuse and childhood trauma are tragic problems impacting all of us, our schools, communities, and every aspect of our quality of life. Trigger warning for readers; This has been a hard book to write. It includes tragic stories of vulnerable children with unhappy events and endings.

Sources consulted number in the hundreds. Included are books, magazines, newspapers, published government statistics, research reports, foundations, special issue oriented centers at universities and informative internet websites. Many of the topics included are under-reported or not reported by institutions that could/should report.