Child Rights & Safety; Advanced Nation or Emerging Nation?
The U.S. and Somalia are the only nations on the planet that have refused to sign the International Rights of Children Treaty.
DetailsThe U.S. and Somalia are the only nations on the planet that have refused to sign the International Rights of Children Treaty.
DetailsThe Academy has studied and identified the relationship between interpersonal violence and health and could make a profound difference in the lives of abused people if the research, tools, and information they have compiled were to become part of the mainstream medical world. Doctors can make a difference. They need to know about
DetailsI had been noticing that in the paper for the last few years,” Jefferys said. “There are so many babies being killed by boyfriends or husbands while the mother is off to work.”
DetailsMinnesota’s racial disparities: a Judge’s view (who will speak for children?)
DetailsNone of these programs exist in the United States. That is why it is accurate to describe our country as a mamouth incubator for prison inmates. And that is why the US is in 30th place in government tax revenue as % to GDP. We are easily the lowest taxed country of the developed world.
DetailsThe person that helped me in this cold scary place;
The courthouse, The foster home, The terror of not my family,
God help me I’m so alone,
Hope comes from caring people,
DetailsFor years now, politicians have made political hay by blaming “civil servants” for a multitude of institutional failures that they themselves are directly responsible for due to the poor understanding of underlying issues and lack of concern for the children and poor families that need help.
Details12 years in child protection has changed the way I look at grown up abandoned children.
There is not a religion on the planet that would abandon children a second time.
DetailsThe cost to my community of each child failing to procure the tools to learn & become a productive citizen is far greater than just the drain on schools, crime & institutionalization. Consider the generational impact of their children having families just like the one that brought them into the world. The average number of children born to mothers incarcerated in Cook County Illinois jails has grown from 2 to 4 over the last ten years.
DetailsU of M bioethics professor Carl Elliott discusses drug company payments to doctors and the enormous amounts of money drug reps make by pushing profitable drugs and running outright scams on doctors to sell their product.