Children, Politics & Voting On Tuesday
Americans have always talked big about supporting equality, keeping children safe, supporting schools & better conditions for young families.
Today, our pro-child, pro-family discourse has become so vicious that many Americans rationalize our government taking immigrant babies and children from their mothers and then losing them so that these mothers may never see their children again. Children have become political footballs in immigration, education, health care and law enforcement and this should disturb us.
A great deal of money and political will has gone into denigrating immigrants, public schools, teachers and the front-line workers trying to keep children healthy and safe.
Tuesday’s election is about this.
Which candidates support more access and more resources for education, health and mental health and an end to racial injustice?
“What we do to our children, they will do to society” (Greek philosopher Pliny the Elder 79 AD)
Please vote – the next generation needs you to speak for them.