LA & New Jersey ending prison and jails for juveniles
Colorado’s super successful juvenile restorative justice program
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This is a series of articles compiled by KARA over the last few years drawing attention to the lives lived by abused children. Boys and girls get tough sentencing & U.S. nine year prison recidivism rates exceed 80%. Trauma doesn’t heal itself and America doesn’t provide much more than Prozac for most traumatized young children.
For a moving photo graphic look into incarcerated children in America’s Juveniles In Justice;
My most unhappy visits as a volunteer CASA guardian ad Litem were to moms locked up at Shakopee Valley Women’s prison. Most were guilty of no more than being afraid of or in love with a drug dealer who shaved years off his sentence by ratting out a (mostly innocent) girlfriend. Under the kingpin laws some of these women and girls drew longer sentences the the kingpin.
Most moms were young, saw little or no money from the kingpin, had a drug problem and lost their children forever. Could there be a greater sadness for mom or the children? Redirecting charged youth into skill building and behavior modification provides at least four areas of benefit;
1. Lower crime and recidivism rates;
2. Reduced higher-level interventions;
3. Cost savings; and
4. Reintegration of juvenile offenders into the community.
Today, The COVID crisis is having an impact on at risk children.
COVID is also having a terrible impact on teen and preteen moms.
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This article contributed by former CASA
volunteer Guardian ad Litem Mike Tikkanen
KARA Signature Video (4 minute)
Public Service Announcement( 30 Second)
Beating children legally (what privatized detention centers do)
How do we value children in America?
Florida’s privatized group homes (prostituting 12 year olds – a video) Not for the faint of heart
America’s Juvenile Injustice System | Marsha Levick – YouTube
Death in Red Lake (how Prozac failed Jeff Weise and 13 others he killed)
Juveniles in prison around the world (the photos of Richard Ross) These will move you
Tasering 12 year olds & expelling preschoolers
Making money on incarcerated 12 year olds (the American way)
Kids for Cash, the movie trailer (a documentary)
Why women go to prison (the awfulness of the kingpin laws & abandoned children)
9 year old jailed for not talking to violent wife beating father
Sheriff’s lobbying for Pre K (why do you think that is?)
Filling schools with cops and guns (one more community crime scene)
The mental health police of Texas (yes, it does work)
Can parents kill their children legally (it appears they can)
Where to invest in 21st century America (privatized prisons for youth are a giant new market)
Trying children as adults (let’s fill those prisons)
40 years for judges selling innocent children into privatized prisons (hanging is too good for them).
Recidivism approaching 80% in America (branded for life – what a criminal record means)
Police Shootings Are Now Inevitable
Can children be severely beaten legally (yes, if you are religious)
KARA’s Locked Up In America Children’s Edition Radio Interview
Are we nuts? (ignoring a mental health crisis) and why kids can’t escape it
Who has more rights; Women, children or dogs? (women since 1918, but the argument for dogs before children as enforcement of animal cruelty laws suggests that we value dogs a little bit more than other people’s children.
Lois Jergens murdered 4 year old Dennis & then adopted 4 more children (yes, she did move to do so).
People accidently shot by children (more than you might think)
Children shot since Newtown as of March 2015
Law enforcement as a provider of mental health services (we are not trained for this)
Why 100 million Amercans have a criminal record
Worst Practices in America’s Justice System
11 & 12 year old girls charged as adults in Wisconsin (just wait til you’re 13!)
Hamline University State of the Child Summit
TEDx Violence against children – a family tradition
Racial injustice puts kids in an awful place
The race to incarcerate women (not good for the kids)
14 and 70 years for robbery (Wow Florida – that’s mean)
Punishing the mentally ill (it never works)
The worst states for juvenile injustice
How the absence of mandated reporters kills children
Jonathan Swift speaks to bigger prisons
On the way to prison or preteen pregnancy (by the numbers)
Prisons as public policy for child rearing
When America Quit Executing Juveniles (Texas didn’t)
California Police I Hate Kids T Shirt Campaign
Judge beats disable daughter video
Ten year olds prosecuted as adults, arrested before their 23rd birthday (30% of American youth), those in prison are illiterate by big margins…
Raised by the courts – we failed you.
Abuse at home, abused in school, Tasered by undertrained staff in detention.
The threats abused children face (a New Hampshire University study)
California Runs Out of Space For the Incarcerated
Almost 70% of the serious and violent crime committed by juveniles in Ramsey County (and most serious and violent crime is committed by juveniles) was committed by children living in 2 to 4% of Ramsey county families.
80% of youth aging out are leading dysfunctional lives
100 years of Juvenile Justice at William Mitchell law school;
Made crazy by the adults in his life; the story of Jeff Weise – the mass murderer of Red Lake
Unlearning child abuse (or go to prison)
Videos, photos & graphics:
Juvenile Injustice – YouTube
Oct 16, 2009 – Uploaded by Steve Nawojczyk
There is clear evidence when you put juveniles into a lock up with other juveniles, there are no winners …
Juveniles For Justice Presents: Youth Guide to the Juvenile Court …
Jun 3, 2014 – Uploaded by Juvenile Law Center
Juveniles for Justice, a program of Juvenile Law Center (www.jlc.org), provides opportunities for young people …
Arrested Development: Adolescent Development & Juvenile Justice …
Jul 18, 2016 – Uploaded by TEDx Talks
A 9th grader charged with assault for a spitball. A 12 year old sentenced to life in prison. These are the types of …
Richard Ross | Juvenile in Justice
(Often the juvenile court is in the same building as the detention center to protect kids from sight and sound exposure to adults.) My P.O. is having a placement meeting for me. My dad, mother, and grandmother visit. Sometimes my sister visits. She is 17. My dad and mom don’t live together. My mom lost custody a couple of …
You’ve visited this page many times. Last visit: 2/21/18
Juvenile in Justice – Documenting the incarceration of children in the U.S
About · Features · Youth Stories · Solitary Confinement · Books · The Play · Collaborators · In The News · Image Usage. Talk to a human being: info@juvenile-in-justice.com · facebook.com/juvenileinjustice · @juvenileinjust 805.893.7205. Sign up for our newsletter. Image usage requests: We share these images with …
Juvenile InJustice – A Campaign of the Coalition for Engaged Education
2018-2019 Fellowship WHO SHOULD APPLY Individuals who are passionate about juvenile and criminal justice system reform with lived experiences in the juvenile justice system and/or are current college students. Applicants should live in the Los Angeles area and be able to participate in monthly sessions, field …
Juvenile Injustice – The New York Times
May 11, 2007 – The United States made a disastrous miscalculation when it started automatically trying youthful offenders as adults instead of handling them through the juvenile courts. Prosecutors argued that the policy would get violent predators off the streets and deter further crime. But a new federally backed study …
Juvenile Injustice : The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
by M Brookman – 2004
WHEN the United States’ juvenile justice system was created 100 years ago, policymakers sought to treat youthful offenders from the standpoint of a “kind and just parent:” they aimed to rehabilitate children and turn them into healthy and productive adults. Today, however, America’s youth are increasingly being abused, …
The Public Assault on America’s Children: Poverty, Violence, and …
#juvenilejustice #childabuse #mentalhealth #recidivism #pipelinetoprison