Koala265 Moms, dads, brothers, sisters and selves were shot by very young children this year.

This is the first time data on people shot by children has been collected in America.  By one metric, America experienced more than one mass shooting a day in 2015.

There are 28 states that hold gun owners criminally liable if children access their guns.  There is at least one state that fines doctors (Florida- the initial bill called for a five million dollar fine and & 5 years in prison for the doctor) for counselling parents to take preventative measures with their guns if children are in the home.  It’s the law.  A very crazy law enforced to the detriment of children (most children accidentally shoot themselves).  It’s also pretty crazy that congress forbids the CDC from conducting research that can be construed as advocating for gun control.

A reasonable person could argue that the NRA owns a big piece of congress.

All Adults Are The Protectors Of All Children (share this widely – maybe something will change) All the Facts Below;

Facts about children & guns;

More Americans are shot by toddlers (265) with guns than terrorists (151) just this year.  This has been true for many years.

Every 30 minutes a child is killed or wounded by guns in America

Our nation leads the world in gun death 

This Mother Jones Article included weapons manufacturers marketing materials aimed at very young children.  It is disturbing.  It was just last week a five year old Kentucky boy killed his two year old sister with his “Crickett” “my first” rifle.  You can buy them in hot pink for little girls:

“The Crickett rifle is ideally sized for children four to ten years old and comes in a Arms manufactures the following youth riflesCrickett .22WMR Youth Rifles

Americans killed by terrorists in the last decade (175) Americans killed by guns in the last decade (280,024)

More young Americans die from guns than cars each year

By any measure, we value the rights of firearms manufacturers (2288 U.S. companies) over the safety of our children and citizens.

It took fifty years to convince congress that the lies and big money of the tobacco industry were not compelling enough to allow Joe Camel to sell cigarettes to teens.  What will it take to persuade congress to lock in reasonable safety features for guns?


9) America’s gun problem


from Huff Post;

A church in South Carolina. A movie theatre in Louisiana. A TV crew filming in Virginia. A college in Oregon. A Planned Parenthood in Colorado. A county facility in California. To use one metric, the United States experienced more than one mass shooting per day in 2015.

How did the U.S. achieve a gun homicide rate nearly 20 times the average of other developed countries? The map above, created by Reddit user phillybdizzle using data provided by theGuardian, shows firearm ownership rates per 100 people and makes one research-backedanswer clear: Americans have more guns than anyone else in the world, plus some of the most relaxed gun laws.