Mark Proctor passed away this past week and Minnesota lost one of its most committed and effective advocates for children in the child protection and foster care system. I know of no one more dedicated to making life better for abused and neglected children. Mark brought depth, wit and a deep working knowledge of the child protection system to our CASAMN board meetings. He was a truly positive force and a joy to work with.
Mark supported guardians ad litem as a former director of the Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA program in South Dakota, and as a member of the CASA Board of Directors here. He got the first legislation ever proposed by Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota introduced in the state Legislature in 2010.
He was always present when any advocacy for children needed to be done.
Mark will be greatly missed not only by his colleagues but by the children of Minnesota, many of whom did not know him but still benefited from his work.
Here is the information about his memorial services this coming Saturday, September 17th:
Mark Proctor passed away in Mendota, MN September 6, 2016.
An “Irish Wake” Celebration of Life will occur at 1:00 PM on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at the Mendota VFW in Mendota, MN. Buffet lunch will be beforehand from 10:45 AM-12:30 PM; please let me know if you plan to attend the lunch and how many people to prepare for by emailing [email protected].
Memorials can be given to the Mark Proctor Scholarship at Black Hills State University ( to Safe Passage for Children of MN (
Thank you for your support at this time.
Kayla Zirpel-Proctor and Family/Friends of Mark Proctor