Recent Child Suicide Reports & Statistics (part III)
Most child suicide is under reported & obfuscated
Find your state, reporting & resources here…
Most child suicide is under reported & obfuscated
Find your state, reporting & resources here…
KARA’s reporting is only a sampling of what should be reported
Most child suicide is under reported & obfuscated. Your state, resources & statistics here…
Most child suicide is underreported & obfuscated
self-harming behaviors remain almost unknown except to those involved… find your state here;
DetailsKARA (Kids At Risk Action) tracks news about at risk children – Find your state here…
DetailsKARA’s reporting is only a sampling of what should be reported
the great majority of child sex trafficking, trauma & abuse is never known.
37% of children overall and 57% of Black children are reported
DetailsTAt a Governor’s Task Force Oversight Meeting (on Child Protection in MN in 2014) the head of Hennepin County Commissioners Jan Callison showed genuine anger and concern when she found out* that Social workers weren’t available on weekends or evenings for abused and neglected children and that she directed the department to “fix it”.
DetailsMinnesota is averaging one child abuse murder a month* these past 18 months (thank you Safe Passage for MN Children).
Outside of short media pieces about a caregiver killing the baby, there is no record or institutional score card …
DetailsWhile the rest of the industrialized world is busy using public policy to make quality education, health & child care affordable for all, America has doubled down on commercializing prisons, group homes & schools and making health care a
DetailsThis KARA post from 2005 suggests a significant improvement in graduation rates in Minneapolis schools. No Child Left Behind really did leave behind a great many children.
From our 2005 piece;
Roosevelt High school graduated 28% of its students last year—Minneapolis and other big city schools averaged graduation rates between 50% and 60% nationwide. 25% of graduating U.S. high school seniors are functionally illiterate.
Teachers and school administrators are accused of bad stewardship. That is like blaming the police for who sits in the back seat of a squad car. It’s not their fault.We are all in this together, or as Pliny the elder said 2500 years ago, “what we do to our children, they will do to our society”
DetailsWhat’s it like to be a first grade teacher frightened by an out of control little boy who kicks, punches or stabs classmates with pencils? Is the principal trauma informed? Are their teams of trauma informed teachers or sufficient mental health resources that can lessen the chances of expelling a seven or nine year old from the school?