Youth in foster care often have needs that their caregivers often can’t provide.. If you know of a young person (or foster family) who would benefit from the resources on this page, share this with widely. Also, please send us your own favorite resources for Fosters if you have them. Send to [email protected] with Foster Resources in the subject line.
- CASA Cares provides grants (up to $500.00) to benefit the personal growth and development of foster children in the child protection system. We consider grant requests for for children who are living in foster care with active cases, for items or activities not otherwise provided for by public funds. Requests often include bikes, school supplies, dance regalia, senior pictures, prom attire, and camp fees. MN CASA CARES Foster grants
- If you have ever been in foster care, please contact us and a member of our team will work with you to discuss how to submit a wish. Becoming a Community Partner allows you to submit wishes (up to $500) on behalf of the incredible children and young people you support. Wishes Granted (Urgent wishes & wishes near you)
- Amazon Prime Discount for Foster Parents: All foster children are covered by medicaid and have a valid medicaid card which can be submitted for the discount. Go here to qualify and join!
- Dollywood Tickets for Foster Families: requesting tickets and how those tickets can be used here.
- Goodwill also offers a discount for clothing for foster children. The discount may vary between states and stores.
- Music lessons and instrument scholarships: Learn more here
- Once Upon a Child typically offers a 10% discount for clothing for foster children
- Prom Dresses from Becca’s Closet (chapters nationwide): Search for a free Prom Dress here
- Therapy Services to Foster Youth – Most therapy is also provided through Medical Assistance, so don’t be afraid to reach out to call around to find the right fit.
- YMCA Membership (Free or Discounted): Call your local YMCA for details (can be based on income)
- Zoo and Aquarium Discounts for Foster Families: Check all of your local zoos and aquariums. Since they are all individual, it is impossible to pull together a list. However, from calling all of the one’s in my local area, I found that every single one, including the larger Ripley’s Aquarium in the Smokey’s was willing to offer some type of discount.
- MN foster college grants
- College grants for foster youth
- College scholarships for Foster Youth
- Search multiple Grants for Foster Youth
- More college scholarships for adopted youth
- Free Resources for Fostering Families
Ways to support a foster youth or family in your area:
- Become a Mentor (Make a difference in the life of a child)
- Provide parents with short term child care
- Give to or Start a Donation Center
- Start a Becca’s Closet Clothing Chapter for kids in your community
- Become a Foster America Fellow
- Provide Free Legal Services to a Child in Need
- Send a foster youth a College Care Package
**If you or an organization you know of provide free gifts or services to foster and adopted children, please send your information to be included on this page by contacting us.
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