KARA advocates for the people, policies and programs
that improve the lives of abused and neglected children.
This website tracks gun violence daily in the U.S.
These statistics make America an outlier in child wellbeing among industrialized nations;
- The United States is an extreme outlier when it comes to gun fatalities among children. When researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation recently compared a set of similarly large and wealthy nations, they found that among this group, the United States accounted for 46 percent of the child population but 97 percent of all child gun deaths (390 million guns for 339,000 people).
- Black children are six times as likely to die by gunfire than white children
Gun violence has been the number one cause of death for children in the United States since 2020. The study was published as Tennessee lawmakers opened a special session on public safety after a Nashville school shooting earlier this year that killed three children and three teachers (Reuters).
“But the fact of the matter is, in every children’s hospital across this country, there are children in the pediatric intensive care units suffering from firearm injuries.”
The study further showed that Black children accounted for around 67% of firearm homicides while white children made up about 78% of gun-assisted suicides.
Every day 260 children & teens are shot in murders, assaults, and suicides (6000 in 2022). In 2016 toddlers shot about one person a week in 2020 it jumped to almost eight (many of their victims were mothers and brothers).
8369 children were shot in 2015, 8867 in 2014 and in 2017 1532 children were shot in Chicago alone.
In the first 73 days of Joe Biden’s presidency, there were five mass shootings and more than 10,000 gun-violence deaths.
Guns have been the second and third leading cause of child death in America for a long time (in 2021, guns became the leading cause of child death).
As New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote recently, “More Americans have died from guns just since 1975, including suicides, murders and accidents (more than 1.5 million), than in all the wars in United States history, dating back to the Revolutionary War (about 1.4 million).”
Mike Tikkanen speaks about child abuse/trauma/healing and community
at schools, colleges, workplaces, events, etc.; To learn more:
send an email to [email protected] with SPEAKING in the subject line.
Mike’s INVISIBLE CHILDREN book can be read and listened to (for free)here.
- Sign up for KARA’s Free Friday morning E-Newsletter
- subscribe to new chapters of AMERICA’S CHILDREN IN 100 CHARTS here.
- Mike is A KARA founder/Executive Director and founding board member at CASAMN.
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CDC Provisional Data: Gun Suicides Reach All-time High in …
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
More than 6000 children killed, hurt by gunfire in 2022: Report
ABC News – Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Population Reference Bureau
Childhood’s Greatest Danger: The Data on Kids and Gun …
The New York Times
Gun violence is the leading cause of death of U.S. kids
Foster families in Oklahoma are suing the state because they were asked by DHS to store guns according to best safety practices, In Florida actual fines and threats of incarceration face doctors for similar acts. Imagine talking to parents about protecting their children against gun accidents & being fined for it. Gun deaths now outpace traffic deaths in 21 states & trending nationally (everywhere).
Court Strikes Down Florida Law Barring Doctors From … – NPR From January 2016; Teaching Gun Safety to patients with young children became a Punishable Offense for Doctors in Florida;
265 moms dads, brothers, sisters and selves were shot by very young children this year and over 10,000 children killed or injured annually by gunfire in America. More Americans are killed by toddlers with guns than Terrorists and yes, we do sell guns for five year olds.
Kids and Guns: Shootings Now Third Leading Cause of Death for U.S. …
Jun 19, 2017 – Few stories are more heartbreaking than those involving children who are injured or killed by gunshots.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 children in the U.S. each year and send …
Jun 19, 2017 – Handguns and other firearms cause the deaths of more children in the United States each year than the flu or asthma, according to a …
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year – CNN.com
Jun 19, 2017 – Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says …. Boys accounted for 82% of allchild firearm deaths and about 84% of all nonfatal …
Key Gun Violence Statistics* | Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
www.bradycampaign.org › Gun Violence
Every day, 7 children and teens die from gun violence:4 are murdered2 die from … years of complete data from death certificates (2011-2015) and estimates of …
Guns Are the Third Leading Cause of Child Death in America – Fortune
Jun 20, 2017 – A new CDC report finds nearly 1300 American children are killed by guns each year. But suicides and mental health are a big contributor.
Race is a huge factor in child gun deaths – VICE News
Jun 20, 2017 – Nearly 1300 children are killed by guns every year in the United States and another 5800 are wounded, making firearms the third-biggest killer …
Gun deaths: When kids find guns, should parents be blamed?
May 24, 2017 – Children die from gun accidents in the U.S. about once a week. Almost every deathbegins with the same basic circumstances. And each ends …
Gun Violence: Facts and Statistics | Violence Prevention Initiative
American children face substantial risk of exposure to firearm injury and death according to scientific literature. Learn more about gun violence today.
Images for guns and child deaths
CDC Gun Study Counts 17-Year-Olds as ‘Children’ | National Review
Jun 20, 2017 – Every child death is worth preventing, and gun owners with kids absolutely should store their weapons securely. But America’s gun problem is …
See child and teen death rates in the KIDS Count data center. -
“What we do to our children, they will do to our society”
(Pliny the Elder, 2000 years ago)
KARA reports on the issues of at risk children
This article submitted by Former CASA Guardian Ad Litem Mike Tikkanen
Signup For KARA’s FREE Friday Morning Updates
All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children
There are many forces at play at risk children today:
Parental rights, Racial disparities, Gun violence
We need better tracking and reporting of
critical child outcomes-based metrics in CPS
and awareness of the continued over-institutionalizing
of children in the system
(dehumanizing trends)
KARA reports on the issues of invisible children
This article submitted by Former CASA Guardian Ad Litem Mike Tikkanen
Signup For KARA’s FREE Friday Morning Updates
All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children
“What we do to our children, they will do to our society”
(Pliny the Elder, 2000 years ago)
(They make a big difference in the lives of abused children)