Learn more about KARA’s;
*Financial Literacy Peer Groups
If you knew that the vast majority of youth in Juvenile Justice came through Child Protective Services, would you;
- Wonder if the majority of serious and violent crimes were committed by juveniles (they are).
- Wonder if the majority of inmates in the Criminal justice system come through the Juvenile Justice system (they do).
- Consider the cost to taxpayers of 30-50 years of institutionalizing children guilty only of being born into troubled families that have passed through Child Protective Services, Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice (1M – 2Million each plus cost of crime and burden on schools, and medical services).
- Think about the cost to communities of the crime and violence in our neighborhoods caused by dysfunctional, at-risk youth that have passed through CPS?
- Be grateful for the information you now have (share it widely) and continue to better understand the issues of Abused and Neglected Children.
- Support the people, programs and policies that make life livable for children in Child Protective Services.
Diminishing/Ending the community volunteer CASA guardian ad Litem program is a bad idea.
Less is not more in Child Protective Services.
All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children.
Help Save This Program and the Children it Serves;
Contact [email protected]
Read parts 1- 4