Child Protection Activists
Abolishing County Child Protection would eliminate the rights of children to the most basic human right of a safe home.
Eliminating CPS would spell doom for at risk children.
Abolishing County Child Protection would eliminate the rights of children to the most basic human right of a safe home.
Eliminating CPS would spell doom for at risk children.
At Rutherford County’s Hobgood elementary school,
An 8 year old, two 9 year old’s and an 11 year old walk into a principal’s office…
And are arrested and handcuffed (“out of habit” said officer Jeff Carroll).
Watching your mother being beat up or raped is the same trauma as being beaten or raped to a five or nine year old. Untreated trauma lasts forever and it changes a person forever.
The United Nation’s-Secretary General Antonio Guterres has warned that being confined with abusive partners during the pandemic has led to a “horrifying global surge in domestic abuse”. This well organized domestic violence reporting and resource guide with hotlines and practical advice …
These articles about child abuse and child protection
have been gathered in Minnesota over the last 60 days