Dramatic changes that happen to abused children explained clearly by Dr Felliti. This 9 minute interview explains why at risk youth are 46 times more likely to attempt suicide, live 20 years fewer, and much more likely to lead a dysfunctional life than children raised in loving homes. Read the article. Sign the petition to improve courts improve child protection procedures
Children At Risk
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Posted on Jan 24, 2014 in Feature, Safe Homes For Children

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study
In 1998, Dr. Vincent Felitti was the lead author in groundbreaking medical research working with Kaiser Permanente and the Center for Disease Control. They found that children exposed to domestic violence, child abuse and other trauma suffer far more illnesses and injuries throughout their lives and have a reduced life expectancy.
Barry Goldstein is one of the leading national and international experts regarding domestic violence. He has a unique range of experiences that include service as a board member to a local battered women’s shelter, attorney for domestic violence survivors, instructor in a NY Model Batterer Program and writer of some of the leading books and articles in the field. He has a strong grasp of the most current and important research concerning domestic violence and innovative ideas for using the research to create the needed reforms. Barry blogs for the Stop Abuse Campaign.
Some of the statements repeat the myth that women frequently make false allegations of abuse and claim that there is a problem when domestic violence can be defined to include many types of abuse and not just physical assaults. A recent US Department of Justice Study found that inadequately trained court professionals tend to believe the myth that women frequently make false abuse allegations and this leads to outcomes that hurt children. The movie gives voice to these unqualified “experts.” The ACE study demonstrates that the health risks to children are triggered by a wide variety of coercive and controlling tactics that are designed to engender fear in the victim which inevitably impacts the children. Limiting the investigation of abuse complaints to physical assaults will make things simpler for the court but will not protect our children from life threatening health risks. The Divorce Corp movie performs a service by exposing a broken system and the problem of economic abuse. They are wrong to deny and minimize the risk to children from abusers who are good at manipulating the system. In many cases they are dead wrong.
Click here to sign our petition to demand congress hold oversight hearings into the state of our family and divorce courts.