Vote For Minnesota’s At Risk Youth Here (today)
Please contact Senator Terri Bonoff and request her support of SF 2411. Sample language is provided below. Please personalize it, if you wish, and email it to Senator Bonoff at [email protected] or call her at 651-296-4314. As the bill is being heard on Tuesday, please send your email or call as soon as possible.
Also, please let us know if you were able to call or email your Senator. Thank you!
Johnna K O’Neill
Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
(507) 993-2925
[email protected]
Dear Senator Bonoff –
On Tuesday, April 5, the Senate Finance Committee, K-12 Budget Division will consider SF 2411 which will increase the number of early learning scholarships and give priority to children in foster care or the child protection system. Quality early learning experiences have been proven to reduce child abuse and neglect. More funding directed at the prevention of child maltreatment is essential. In addition to better outcomes for individual children and their families, society benefits from stronger families, less crime, and decreased social service costs.
Please support SF 2411 to ensure there is adequate funding for the proven benefits of quality childcare.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of abused, neglected, and at-risk children in Minnesota.