Linked and below are posts and information from the CASAMN website about Guardian ad Litem volunteer opportunities, CASA CARES grants for Minnesota children in CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES, and updates on the program’s recent newsworthy events.

CASA Cares – Grants for foster kids – Request one NOW!

Did you know that anyone in MN Foster Care can request a grant?

CASA Cares provides grants to benefit the personal growth and development of foster children in the child protection system. We consider grant requests for children who are living in foster care with active cases, for items or activities not otherwise provided for by public funds. Requests often include bikes, school supplies, dance regalia, senior pictures, prom attire, camp fees, and much more. A huge thank you to the CASA Cares committee who review, approve and deliver the grants!


KARA reports on the issues of invisible children

This article submitted by Former CASA Guardian Ad Litem Mike Tikkanen

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All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children






