CASAMN board member Laurel Ferris posted this compelling article about community Guardian ad Litem volunteers advocating for abused children in this month’s WOMEN’S PRESS.
Her perspective is unique. Laurel makes a powerful argument for not eliminating Minnesota’s volunteer Court Appointed Guardian ad Litems.
From the article; ”
“Eliminating the volunteer nature also changes the role of Guardian ad litem. Being an “outsider” provides a perspective others don’t have. It allows one to challenge the status quo and identify new opportunities. We can speak out. Eliminating volunteers, to my mind, will mean that everyone in the courtroom has a vested interest in a system that pays* them to be there.”
I read the recent Star Tribune article about children who have died after being reunited with family members. I strongly believe volunteer GALs are crucial to the oversight needed to prevent these tragedies. We have the time, the life skills, and the independence to challenge the systemic failures that lead to deaths. We are part of the solution.”
*Also repeated by MN leader Don Samuels in KARA video interview.
Post your public comments (send this short video) about Minnesota eliminating
the largest community volunteer program in the nation
that advocates for children
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- Mike is A KARA founder/Executive Director and founding board member at CASAMN.
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