These are the top seventy ACEs articles gathered from the month of August (all about adverse childhood experience – check it out)
All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children
The findings about the wide-ranging health and social consequences of difficult childhoods underscore the importance of strengthening prevention and early intervention services for children and youth. Through collaboration and systems change, communities can assure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children, whether at home, at school, or in their neighborhoods. |
After screening survey data on more than 46,000 people, researchers found that 8 percent had depression, but only a third were being treated for the mood disorder. |
The survey results released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month found that these teenagers face a shockingly high level of violence compared with their straight peers. |
After serving in Vietnam, John Cowart spent three decades helping soldiers who were struggling with the effects of military service. |
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it will look into whether it should end its relationship with the private companies that run migrant-detentions centers, a move that would signal a major shift in policy and likely appease immigrant-rights advocates. |
The time has come to leverage 21st-century science to catalyze the design, testing, and scaling of more powerful approaches for reducing lifelong disease by mitigating the effects of early adversity. |
Premiering Wednesday, Aug. 31, on Pivot, this heartfelt documentary explores trauma-informed education through the eyes of teens who have had troubling childhood experiences. |
Learning their indigenous languages from a very young age may prepare Native American children for success in school and life, with benefits spilling over to their families and communities. |
Community networks in the state of Washington have been effective in reducing the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), according to a study released this month by respected policy research firm Mathematica. |
California’s public universities are starting to embrace a program that helps transition people from prison to campus. |
David Bornstein captures the work of health care professionals, educators, social service workers, government officials, and ACEs Connection members. |
As the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary of beauty, recreation, and conservation this summer, we asked six leaders why access to public land is vital to everyone’s physical and mental health. |
Theray for therapists helps combat empathy fatigue and increase self care. |
A new anatomical understanding of how movement controls the body’s stress response system. |
Collective action is needed to ensure the safety of lesbian, gay and bisexual students, who experience violence and other health risks at higher rates than their heterosexual peers, a new federal report says. |
As a country’s GDP increases, so does its nighttime luminosity. |
“There is much research into how witnessing violence in childhood has an impact on emotional wellbeing and long-term mental health. We know that kids who come into care experience this, and there is a whole list of abuses that need to be dealt with while they are in care. The last thing these kids needed was chemicals.” |
Called Trauma Drama, it’s a theater-based therapy program for teenagers with severe emotional and behavioral problems. The idea is that theater can help this group of troubled adolescents regulate their emotions and build skills to cope with trauma. |
To present a fuller picture of crime in America, The Marshall Project collected and analyzed 40 years of FBI data — through 2014 — on the most serious violent crimes in 68 police jurisdictions. |
The district says that it is shifting its focus towards being proactive by equipping teachers with the skills to de-escalate and resolve conflicts while also recognizing trauma. |
Divided by Brexit, the country is nonetheless united in offering universal early education for 3- and 4-year-olds. |
The two events filled the United Tribes Technical College Gymnasium with a diverse crowd of tribal leaders, government officials, non-profit staff members, academics, healthcare professionals, and community leaders./p> |
Our criminal justice system ignores larger truths about the lives of the accused. |
Nearly 21.5 million kids in the U.S. are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals, yet according to a 2016 report from the Food Research Action Center, only 1 in 6 of them receives that benefit over summer break. |
Then the researchers collected mortality data for 20 years and looked at whether reported abuse was associated with death during that period. For men, it wasn’t. But women who reported childhood emotional abuse were 22 percent more likely to die during the follow-up period than women who didn’t report abuse. |
Negative childhood experiences like abuse or neglect are largely associated with the mental health outcomes of older homeless adults. |
Now, an early intervention program focused on teaching new parents to calm infants without using food as a solution has effectively prevented overweight status at age 1 year, and reduced rapid weight gain during the first 6 months after birth — an important period of infant metabolic development. |
The Department of Education is encouraging corporations in high-demand fields to partner with universities. |
The government’s decision to stop using corporations to manage the federal prison population could have unintended consequences. |
Studies have indicated that the number of wincarcerated women is rising, though we don’t really know why the increase is happening. One plausible suggestion is that we are handing social service provision off to jails, just as the provision of mental health services have been handed off. All of this is done without serious policy discussion about the cost to women, their families and the jurisdiction imposing the higher levels of incarceration. |
Christine Cissy White discusses the need to include the inputs of clients to health services. |
Today, virtually everyone involved in social services in the county is schooled in the research on adversity, and 40 percent of residents are aware of the key concepts. The challenge is embedding the knowledge in public systems that have long focused on punishment as a deterrent for misbehavior. |
A new UC San Francisco report on an understudied population – older homeless adults – reveals that adverse childhood experiences have long-lasting effects. The researchers found that childhood adversities, such as abuse, neglect and parental death, have a strong association with mental health outcomes in a group of 350 homeless adults over the age of 50 in Oakland, Calif. The results indicate that early life challenges have a persistent ripple effect, even in an already challenged population. |
The Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF) has a new web resource for you! On Monday, August 15th, the PATF launched its new website,, to keep you informed about our current and past projects, events, and resources for families, community members, providers, and policy makers. |
The RWJF Culture of Health Prize honors and elevates U.S. communities that are making great strides in their journey toward better health. |
Teaching self-control is proven to be much more effective than tutoring and advanced classes. |
In unhappy workplaces, rudeness rapidly leads to more rudeness. |
Sharp differences along lines of race and politics shape American attitudes toward the poor and poverty, according to a new survey of public opinion, which finds empathy toward the poor and deep skepticism about government antipoverty efforts. |
Sam Himelstein provides 3 simple tips for using mindfulness in substance abuse treatment with adolescents. |
Though Hip-Hop is often characterized as violent and misogynistic, songs like “Slippin’” show that, like other musical genres, Hip-Hop can be an empowering tool for exploring stages of adolescent identity development in a nuanced, practical, and meaningful way. |
Many of us work tirelessly to end the multiple forms of structural violence and oppression that manifest as health inequities, income inequality, mass incarceration, dilapidated education systems and more. However, all must ask a very relevant and critical question: what is the end goal here? |
Kathy Brous writes about Dr. Van der Kolk’s new webinar on Neurofeedback. |
The RWJF Culture of Health Prize honors and elevates U.S. communities that are making great strides in their journey toward better health. |
The initiative is known as Resilient KC, which is a partnership between the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and Trauma Matters KC, a coalition of more than 30 organizations, including mental health centers and philanthropies. |
A new study suggests Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers should use a more all-encompassing approach to improve how they respond to cases of chronic neglect. |
Judith Schagrin, who works for Baltimore County Children’s Services, reflects on 30 years of involvement in the foster-care system. |
The latest data from the CDC finds that death certificates often misclassify American Indians and Alaska Natives as white. |
A new study commissioned by the Adverse Childhood Experiences Public-Private Initiative (APPI) of Washington State finds that communities can create effective, local strategies that reduce the long-term social, emotional and physical problems related to abuse, neglect, and other Adverse Childhood Experiences. |
Last week, at the California Home Visiting Summit, several hundred amazing front-line caregivers gathered to share their experiences and learn about the latest research and practice. |
At a time when poverty and economic insecurity remain widespread in the United States, how does a very poor community, like the Highlands in Washington State, strengthen its capacity to improve itself? The transformation in the Highlands is a product of a policy that recognized the inter-connectedness of issues usually handled seperately: child abuse, domestic violence, dropping out of high school, teen pregnancy, youth substance abuse, and youth suicide. |
At a time when Congress is debating measures to extend the reach of mainstream psychiatry — particularly to the severely psychotic, who often end up in prison or homeless — an alternative kind of mental health care is taking root that is very much anti-mainstream. It is largely nonmedical, focused on holistic recovery rather than symptom treatment, and increasingly accessible through an assortment of in-home services, residential centers and groups like the voices network, in which members help one another understand each voice, as a metaphor, rather than try to extinguish it. |
“If we act on our uninformed views, we risk re-triggering more of the child’s trauma, and even more aggression. I confess, as a less experienced classroom teacher, I often did exactly that.” |
Patrick Anderson recounts an incident that highlights the need for understanding of the flight-or-fight response. |
As research emerges about the impact of trauma on a child’s developing brain, state leaders are grappling with the thorny problem of how to balance science with justice when dealing with justice-involved youth. |
A YMCA program uses libraries, neighborhood centers, churches and even the beach to help kids get ready for school. |
Christine Cissy White reacts to Donna Jackson Nakazawa’s remarks on trauma. |
Winning the Gold Medal in the Olympics appears a pinnacle in any elite athlete’s career, but physical fitness or technical skill may not, in fact, be the crucial factor. Increasingly sports scientists are becoming convinced that it’s grit and determination, resilience and desire, which separates winners from losers. |
States are increasingly pairing mental health and substance abuse patients with peer specialists — people who have experienced some of the same problems themselves. |
Activists are calling for an end to charter schools and juvenile detention centers. |
Patrick Anderson discusses how data analysis can help prevent suicides. |
A new $10 million grant opportunity, designed to benefit the Gulf of Mexico region, will advance the science and practice of fostering healthy communities that can prepare for, withstand and recover from adverse events—and even thrive afterwards. |
Twenty-four percent of children whose mothers experience domestic violence also see threats to or abuse of companion animals, research shows. |
It is true that there have been some local efforts to stem the problem, but there has not been systematic public interest to find ways of reducing the suicide attempts of young Latinas. |
Imagine purging life’s disturbing events. If you could alter or mute your worst memories would you still remain yourself? |
Tsoku Maela hopes that, by showing these photos, he can help address the stigma attached to mental illness within black communities. |
Trauma-informed approaches offer frameworks grounded in an understanding of trauma, which provide safe spaces for engaging youth, delivering services and creating opportunities for individuals to successfully rebuild their lives. Embodied in the approach is a need to help youth heal, to pivot toward resiliency and ensure their voices are heard. As the literature base grows in trauma-informed approaches and what works in trauma-specific treatments, an important but often forgotten element is the role youth (and adult) clients play in shaping their effectiveness. |
When it comes to emotional and mental issues, men need to quit trying to bottle up their feelings and tough it out. |
Philadelphia University’s Community and Trauma Counseling program offers a 4-course certificate for master’s-level professionals. |
Researchers: RWJF wants to fund your best ideas, and most rigorous study designs, to help us learn what works to promote the health of everyone in America. |
A new study illuminates how discrimination messes with your mind. |
After traumatic events, such as physical or sexual assault, domestic violence or combat, that threaten to rob us of our dignity and spirit, people typically don’t tell others. In fact, many trauma survivors either never speak to anyone about what happened to them or wait a very long time to do so. The reasons for this are multi-fold and likely include shame, perceived stigma of being a “victim,” past negative disclosure experiences and fears of being blamed or told that the event was somehow their fault. And when it comes to reporting sexual harassment, women fear for their jobs, promotions or placements. |
Patrick Anderson considers alternatives to resilience. |
ACE Overcomers assures people who take their course they didn’t deserve the trauma dealt them when they were children. Through no fault of their own, they must also deal with the effects of that trauma on their adult lives. |
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