
Tikkanen, Christian, Kocina, Celia Waldock


Waldock – letters of intent this week, grant writing starting next week

CASA/KARA confusion

Google Grants: WI CASAs cannot accept ‘gifts’

Free level is still free, 

KARA searches for resources to maximize grant, 

local group can search for resources to maximize grant

Colleges are struggling

Campus Conversations

FinLit: Metrics is #1

Book 2

Professors / Interns / Students

WI Incident Report / KARA Survey?

New chart – No data points

Grant focus on Google Ads Campaign




Tikkanen, Christian, Kocina, Earley

Celia billing 

Google Grant metrics as references

Prep for WI presentation (5/16)

John Hendrickson – banner stand order

Kickstarter campaign for Book 2? 

Levels of support: get Book 2 when published, get Book 1 & 2, get signed book, etc???


Social Media

Grant Writing

Kickstarter for book

Old contacts/donors

Solve the meeting room technology

Add minutes to website weekly 

Resources page

Meeting adjourned




Tikkanen, Christian, Earley, Kocina

Room technology NOT mastered

Weekly meeting minutes on website, link sent to board

Sage retooled presentation

Tactics to get WI participants to sign up for weekly newsletter

Sandy nervous about her job

Google campaign NOT FREE – funded by our sources




Tikkanen, Christian, Earley, Kocina, Gerard

MN Casa set up Google Grant – set up pro-bono but no new content

Signed up with Lawrence in Jan 2024

WordPress site changes added to Lawrence’s purview

4 months in – slower progress

CASAs have Exec Dir / who will do the work?

On boarding process HAS to include all of the ancillary tech issues (admin credentials, social media, wordpress site upgrades)


Tikkanen, Christian, Earley, Kocina, Celia Waldock

Damon to add language to agreement to describe our stand alone subsites that link to client’s pre-existing sites

Damon to create a site-map/proposal for sub sites, biannual maintenance, options to CASAs to add their own content.

Fundraising: Mike is making calls to 100+ people that have donated in the past

Grant writing: Cecilia is pinning down terminology and goals


Tikkanen, Earley, Kocina

Google Grant program changes

WIsconsin loss

Grant results infographic
Investigate G4 report widgets

Refine pitch (simplicity, funded)

Damon send Mitch JPG logos


Tikkanen, Christian, Earley, Kocina


WI options, Sandy conversation

Wednesday 8am Tikky, analytics widgets

Mitch :: videos


Tikkanen, Christian, Earley, Kocina, Waldock


Vote for Greg on board: motion for Greg’s vote by Damon; second by Jim; discussion; voted in unanimously

Updated Google Grant calendar


Wisconsin CASAs – first response gets Platinum funded by KARA

Pitch National – we do Platinum and drive traffic to their site


Tikkanen, Earley, Kocina


Fundraising: QT / Celia: Grant writing

YouTube issues

Google Grant: No response from WI yet

Passionate conversation around Google Grants – managing expectation and describing value and results