Today’s Star Tribune article by County Attorney Mary Moriarty Minneapolis City Council President Elliott Payne are a voice for sanity in the crazy world of crime and youth justice in America today. These are not easy decisions to make for elected officials and the pitchforks are always near by for charging young children as adults, more jails, longer sentences. We don’t have equal  regard for altering the course of life for children born into toxic and often violent homes.


Einstein’s definition of insanity

is apt at this time in our history.

the public outcry for punishment is normal

(And that’s a shame).

Our need for punishment over restorative justice is the American way.  Many of us don’t seem to care if charging children and youth as adults accomplishes the opposite of healing and skill building and delivers more crime and recidivism. From an institutional perspective, it appears our justice system is manufacturing what it was designed to stop (more crime and dysfunctional citizens, and huge tax, social, and insurance costs).

It doesn’t much matter if the charged youth grew up in a toxic home or was so abused they have been removed from their birth home for the terrible things done to them by parents. That these youth have serious mental health problems not to be weighed heavily in court or effectively treated in prison isn’t a common conversation.

A great deal of violent and serious crime is caused by juveniles. Former MN Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz and Justice Anne Mckeig have both stated that 90% of the youth in Juvenile Justice have passed through Child Protective Services. My years of working in CPS are testimony to this reality. All my caseload children lived with overwhelming behavior problems caused by trauma from their years of abuse.



Change won’t come until more of us give voice to voiceless children

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It hurts me to know that we the people believe charging a 12, 14, 16 year old’s as an adult is the right thing to do. Kids that had unbearably abusive/traumatic childhoods do bad things. Without community intervention/support they often are violent and even dangerous.

If Justices Blatz and McKeig are right, we are piling on the misery of violence and trauma incurred in the home to lifetimes of violence and degradation in the Justice System.

Prison recidivism in the U.S. has been over 80% at nine years for a long time. Human & financial costs (and tax dollars) are terrifically high.

It may be that the young brothers charged with the murder of Zaria McKeever came from stable homes. County Attorney Mary Moriarty judged “not” to try these young men as adults and the likely lifetime prison sentence attached to it. We the people have chosen otherwise hoping for better results. I’m with Einstein.

  • Recidivism: Studies have shown that adolescents who are transferred to the adult criminal justice system are more likely to reoffend than those who are kept in the juvenile justice system.
  • Incarceration with adults: Adolescents who are transferred to the adult criminal justice system are often incarcerated with adults, which often results in rape and more abuse in prison.
  • Lack of rehabilitation: The adult criminal justice system is focused on punishment, rather than rehabilitation. Adolescents who are transferred to the adult system rarely get the help they need to change their behavior.
  • America has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prison population
  • Over 600,000 State and Federal prisoners are released back into society every year – few of them with their mental health and behavior problems addressed.

Healthy children become productive citizens producing millions adulthood

earnings,taxes and other social good/volunteerism etc.


KARA reports on the issues of child abuse.


This article submitted by CASA volunteer Mike Tikkanen

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County Attorney Mary Moriarty