Today’s Star Tribune article by DJ TICE posits a cruel but accurate point. Our community has a passion for safeguarding adult rights of guns and abortion.

Safe Passage for Children investigation of child death in Minnesota is striking proof of how we ignore and obfuscate what abused and neglected children are living with in our state. Rich Gehrman’s quote in the article that the system seems to “accept extraordinary levels of neglect and violence against children” has been true for this CASA guardian ad Litem for decades. Children in toxic and violent homes cannot protect themselves. If Child Protective Services can’t save  them, abused children are damaged for life after suffering years of trauma and torture.

Please share this widely. Send this to your State Rep  Minnesota National

(until State Policy becomes more child friendly, things will not change for abused and neglected children).

KARA reports on the issues of child abuse and child protection

This article submitted by CASA volunteer Mike Tikkanen

KARA Public Service Announcement (30 seconds)

KARA Signature Video (4 minute)

INVISIBLE CHILDREN campus programs here

All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children