KARA Signature Video (4 minute)

Support Trauma Informed Care – It Saves Lives

KARA reports on the issues of child abuse.

This article submitted by CASA volunteer Mike Tikkanen

Signup For Friday Morning Updates

All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children


This Thanksgiving, about 6 million American children are being raised by their grandparents (double what it was in 1970). Almost half of these grandparents have economic or social service needs for themselves and their grandchildren that are unmet.

It is estimated that for every child in foster care with relatives, there are 20 living outside of care with relatives (usually grandparents). Primary reasons for this are grandparents fear of State Foster Care Licensing and County Child Protection System involvement.

Poverty and hunger in these families is common. Assisted guardianships are paid about 15% of what licensed caregivers are paid by the County.

Being 70+ and caring for high needs children is not easy. Children need the stability, love, and care of kinship whenever possible. We should all want this for children. It makes for well-adjusted children and happier / safer communities.

We can’t fix the larger problem of dedicated grandparents of limited means raising their grandchildren this Thanksgiving –

But we can make life easier for the families we know of (through our personal, religious and community organizations). 

Resources for Grandparents

#childabuse #teenmoms #childrensrights #childprotection