Tuesday, February 16
6 p.m. Light Supper and Social 6:30 P.M. Program
Cafeteria, Hennepin Technical College, 9000 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, Map
RSVP on Facebook: or to [email protected]
The Incalculable Toll of Childhood Trauma on Society
with Mike Tikkanen – author, the book Invisible Children, Founder, Kids At Risk Action (KARA) a non-profit advocacy network focused on issues related to neglected and abused children, works to educate individuals and communitiesabout the need to protect children’s rights:
Mr. Tikkanen has been the keynote speaker at business, community, and religious organizations and has led a workshop addressing the rights of children at the United Nations in New York. He has worked with over fifty children in the County Child Protection System as a volunteer court-appointed special advocate (CASA).
Brain Development in Early Childhood and the Effects of Toxic
Stress with Dr. Michael Troy – Medical Director, Behavioral Health Services and Associate Medical Director, Neuroscience Program, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Dr. Troy will share the latest research on the influence of parents and other adults on children’s brain development. His clinical and academic interests include diagnosis in developmental psychopathology, therapeutic assessment,
and teaching child clinical psychology in hospital and community programs.
Domestic Abuse in the African Diaspora with Samuel Mwangi –
Founder and Executive Director of the Global Fatherhood Foundation (GFF)
Mr. Mwangi has addressed issues which impact the African community inDiaspora by hosting events on topics such as the Global Challenges Which MenGo Through, the Next Generation Youth Program, and Domestic Violence inDiaspora. He has spoken at Hennepin Technical College on What to Do if the Police Stop you. GFF mentors young fathers to help guide and support them with their transition to their new role as fathers.
Question and Answer Session
Sponsor: Think Again MN. Co-sponsors: Hennepin Technical College (an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and
educator), the Global Fatherhood Fdn, Kids At Risk Action, the City of Brooklyn Park, and the LWV/BPOMG.