Yesterday, Don Shelby, KARA & An Expose That Grows Awareness & Concern For Abused and Neglected Children
Yesterday was a big day for Kids At Risk Action. The KARA board talked with Don Shelby for five hours discussing the complicated task of how to create a television expose telling a story that moves people to action to improve the lives of abused and neglected children.
This project will take time, and a great deal of energy and resources. After yesterday, we are confident that with a seasoned reporter and storyteller like Don on board, this project will succeed.
It became clear as we talked that Don Shelby has a thirty year background in telling this kind of story and his heart is with children.
To be most effective, KARA must build a following of people that stand with us on children’s issues.
Watch KARA’s TV short clips here and sign up for our weekly news updates here (9am emailed to you on Fridays) Share these links with your friends and networks and help us build the following we need to make change for children.