Portages helps patients

understand their current areas of mental health and wellbeing strengths and opportunities.

A personalized mental health and wellbeing program is generated guiding patients through their own Self-Care program.

Mental health and substance abuse screens are completed routinely as part of the Self-Assessment.


Portages guides you to change health behaviors to promote optimal whole-person mental health and wellbeing and reduce emotional concerns.   The program embodies a highly appealing, science-based and strengths-based whole-person model of mental health and well being to organize each individuals change journey.


Portages includes focus on the:

  • 4 Worlds of Living (Internal, Physical, External and Spiritual)
  • 12 Health Practices (Sooth, Think, Rest, Hydrate, Nourish, Move, Express, Connect, Activate, Observe, Seek and Believe)
  • 8 Readiness Beliefs (Insight, Vision, Desire, Motivation, Confidence, Commitment, Capacity and Social Support).

People Expectations:

  • Free access to a whole-person wellness app and platform, focused on the:
    • Internal World: How well you are able to be calm, cope, have optimistic thoughts and rest.
    • Physical World: How well you are staying hydrated, eating healthy and being physically active.
    • External World: How well you are communicating and getting along with other people and feeling successful at home, work or school.
    • Spiritual World: How well you are living according to your values and beliefs with gratitude, acceptance, mindfulness, meaning and purpose.
  • Daily prompts to focus on your health.
  • Conveniently accessed – App based
  • Work with known staff/coach from organization.
  • Privacy, only your matched coach can what you are working on.