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Welcome to the Kids At Risk Action podcast, where we’re shining a light on the vital issues of child abuse and child protection in our community. After 16 years of dedicated work through our website, books, and social media, we’re excited to bring our conversations directly to you through this podcast. KARA Saturday Podcast
These discussions can be difficult, especially for those who may not face such challenges. But for children living in toxic homes, these are terrifying times. Many of them suffer alone facing the grim reality of feeling invisible, with little chance for discovery, intervention, or healing.
To raise awareness and inspire change, KARA is launching a new weekly series called Critical Conversations. This series aims to address the child abuse and protection issues that have been concealed for far too long.
Join us as we explore how the political landscape impacts the lives of abused and neglected children and the communities they call home. We’ll discuss what we can do collectively to improve their circumstances and advocate for their rights.
KARA podcasts aim to give a passionate voice to the millions of voiceless children living among us—children whose stories often get drowned out by the noise of politics and sensational headlines.
Be sure to check in every Friday for our next conversation. Together, we can make a difference. Share KARA podcasts with your social media and most importantly, with your State Representative (they make the rules these children live by) Find Your Representative Here
KARA Podcasts: Powerful Conversations About Interrupting and Ending Child Abuse
Hidden Crisis of Child Abuse and Trauma During the COVID Lockdown KARA Podcast
Silent Crisis – Child Protection & Systemic Reform KARA Podcast