
Mike Tikkanen is a leading authority, speaker, and author on child abuse and neglect issues. The founder of Kids at Risk Action (KARA), author of over 1000 articles and the highly-rated book “Invisible Children”, national speaker to organizations such as the United Nations, and tireless advocate for children, Mike advocates for abused and neglected children making the rest of us see the profound impact the crisis of childhood trauma is having on our schools, public health, public safety and neighborhoods.






Current presentations include:

  • Lifelong Impact of the COVID Lockdown on Children Suffering from the Trauma of being Stuck in Toxic Homes
  • How COVID is impacting schools, law enforcement & healthcare
  • ACES/Adverse Childhood Experience – the measuring of childhood trauma
  • Distance Learning and the Absence of Mandated Reporters
  • Topics designed for your community or organization

Poor public perception & misguided policies, lack of institutional transparency, awareness and accountability are compounding serious failures in our child protection systems that directly impact millions of children, our communities and each and every one of us in many ways. 

By generating conversation around the issue and exposing facts that have for too long been left unspoken, Mike brings attention to ACES (adverse childhood experiences) and solutions that reverse trends of generational child abuse to make our communities safer and happier places.


For more information about booking Mike for your next event, please email [email protected] with Speaking in the subject line