Rotary, religious, community or business group

Start a conversation about providing at risk youth

what they need to succeed.

Generational child abuse, trauma and its associated mental health issues are growing part of America’s social fabric. Understanding trauma and dealing effectively with behaviors that disrupt public and private settings and young lives is a first step in improving school achievement and reducing crime and poverty in our communities. We all have a stake in saving the child next door.

The crisis of childhood trauma is having a profound impact on our schools, public health, public safety and city streets. Poor public perception & lack of institutional transparency, awareness and accountability are compounding serious failures in our child protection systems.

By engaging your organization in conversation around the issue we bring attention to the issues and solutions for ACES (adverse childhood experiences) to reverse trends of generational child abuse that are hurting our children and neighborhoods.

Past presentations include the United Nations, Women’s Prison Warden Conference, DFL Education Foundation, Business Professional Women’s organization, Schools, Colleges & CASA.


For more information

[email protected] with Presentations in Subject Line.