Start the Conversation
on Your Campus
(2 minute explainer video Metro U)
(1 minute video walk through video at Wellstone Neighborhood House)
KARA’s Invisible Children Campus Conversation is a catalyst to starting conversations that identify and address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improving the lives of at risk children where you live.
Partner with Local Organizations
The INVISIBLE CHILDREN Campus program collaborates with your community’s child friendly organizations to build awareness and a volunteer force benefiting at risk children and their families (religious organizations, crisis nurseries, foster/adoption programs, CASA guardian ad litems, Big Brother/Big Sister, and other child and family mentoring/healing programs and organizations). Participating organizations and a growing volunteer force will have long lasting positive impact on the lives of at-risk youth in their community long after the program moves on.
Educating Future Leaders
By involving students and citizens in the conversation about ACEs/mental health, solutions for healing, awareness, and supporting local child friendly organizations and volunteer building in the community – life can improve for children and the communities they live in. Leaders & future leaders will have a better understanding of child abuse, childhood trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences and be better informed and able to solving America’s generational child abuse epidemic.
Using a powerful visual display series of stories, graphics, videos, and news, the Campus Conversations program engages the campus in research, outreach, volunteerism drawing attention to and making life better for abused and neglected children in your community.
Contact us today to ask how to bring the Invisible Children Campus Conversations program to your college and start this important conversation on your campus.
Start the conversation on your campus! [email protected] (with Campus Program in the subject line)