I’m hoping that the Child Well Being Network gets great support and becomes a big deal in the state of MN.
More than 5,000 Minnesota children were abused and neglected in 2008. Over a thousand are currently under state guardianship, living in foster care permanently or awaiting adoptive homes (DHS 2008). Up to 600 youth age out of foster care every year.
Nationally, recent studies have shown that up to 80% of youth aging out of foster care are leading dysfunctional lives.
The Child Wellbeing Network has come together to declare that Minnesota needs a refreshed vision of child welfare. Policies and practices should reflect our values and highest hopes for children throughout our state.
Every state needs a Child Wellbeing Network, every person needs to understand that healthy children become healthy citizens & healthy citizens build healthy communities that are safe and pleasant to live in.
It is better for the child, it is better for the state, it is better for the community to take care of children.